
The profile of Sandalsand belongs to a real human being from Stavanger, Norway. Who am I, and where are my stories from? Read more on this about page.

Bård Humberset - Sandalsand

My name is Bård Humberset. I am a political scientist by education. Since the late 1980s, I have worked full time in the fields of analyses, consulting and auditing. I am also the father of three.

All through these years, and in fact even longer, I have spent my vacations and spare time elsewhere. This means I have a story or two to tell. Sandalsand has since 2011 served as a platform to share some of my travel impressions, pictures and videos. My hope is modest – to inspire others to do the same.

Over the years I have visited about 83 countries, once or several times. First, have a look at my travel map below. On the Destinations page you will find more detailed maps. Then, continue to read my story.

Sandalsand's World Map 2024

Is this a travel blog? Am I a tourist?

Some travel bloggers are on a round-the-world trip and publish a blog for the length of it. They will last a year or so – and will perhaps never return to either. Others have made it a living to travel relentlessly from place to place and to blog about it. They become disillusioned and exhausted after four-five years.

Some are expats living for extended periods in faraway countries. They are able to go below the surface and come up with stories full of insight. They could go on for a decade or more.

Many blogs are largely photo blogs and aim at the needs of the casual browser. Others write lengthy, anthropological essays about life in a remote rural place illustrated by a single picture.

I see myself as being somewhere in between. I have never lived in another country and my most lengthy trips lasted less than 6 months. On the other hand, I have to a large degree devoted my vacations to travelling elsewhere. I have had a tendency to avoid the beaten paths and explore the less-visited countries and places. There are always new places and new faces to discover.

That is why I am reluctant to call Sandalsand a “travel blog”. It deals with travelling, but not on a daily or even regular basis.

Some would like to distinguish between being a traveller and being a tourist. I do not. Some (“travellers”) like to sip chai with the locals in a wet market. Others (“tourists”) are keen on studying every angle and angel in the local cathedral. I prefer the best of both worlds.

Social media

I have accounts on several other sites and social media. This is a standing invitation: Have a look into my accounts on Instagram and YouTube. Subscribe to news from the main channel of mine, the website of Sandalsand. I have a subdomain with content solely from Norway and in my own language, Norwegian, called Sandalsand Norge. There is a link in the top menu for easy switching between the two sites.

What about the name, Sandalsand? Read the story behind it.

The “Sandals…” in different varieties are for the public travelling part of me. The professional side resides on LinkedIn and the private on Facebook. I see no reason to make a goulash out of all these media ingredients.

Explore Sandalsand

I only write about places I have actually been to. There are no authors but me, and I use no sponsored content. I use my own photos and videos for illustrative purposes. A very few photos are courtesy of my co-travellers.

You should know that I am making an effort not to publish private information about myself, and very few images of me. In addition, there are no images of family and friends on this website. I am sharing personal experiences without handing out my private life.

You may ask how you should go about finding interesting and useful content on Sandalsand. Find the answer on several levels.

  • First level is the “About” page, the one you are now reading.
  • Second level is the “Destinations” page, introducing the world regions with links to all photo galleries and articles.
  • Third level is the “Special articles” page: Travel related and based on my own experiences and views, but no specific travel accounts.

Also, read one of the first articles I wrote, a freestanding Level 4.

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Enjoy, but keep this in mind

Use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from Sandalsand is strictly prohibited. You may use excerpts and links, provided you give full and clear credit to Sandalsand. Please include an appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

© 2011-2024 Sandalsand. All rights reserved.








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