As-Salt is a Jordanian town which had its Golden Age in the years between the 1860's to the 1920's. UNESCO calls it a place of tolerance and...
Everything from Jordan
Here you will find all Sandalsand’s articles from Jordan. They include a photo album, world heritage sites and regular travelogues.
Jordan is a country in the region Sandalsand has defined as the Middle East and Africa. There are introductions to this region and other regions in the Destinations menu.
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Nature: 11 Picturesque Lakes
Let's have a look at 11 picturesque lakes. Lakes come in all sizes and some even contain salt water. This article illustrates and describes some...
Nature: 8 Dry Deserts
Have a look at this selection of 8 dry deserts. The Earth's surface is predominantly wet, covered by water. Some areas are on the other hand...
Pictures from Jordan
This is a collection of Sandalsand's pictures from Jordan. They are from the capital Amman as well as other parts of the country. If you look up all...
Jordan’s capital, Petra and the Dead Sea
Few places on planet Earth are as legendary as Petra, and few activities as fascinating as swimming in the Dead Sea. This chapter of my journey also...
World Heritage #0326 – Petra
The narrow entrance to the town of Petra, this ancient civilisation in the desert of Jordan, is perhaps the world's most famous. The UNESCO...