Updated terms of use and privacy policy on Sandalsand

Last modified 20.12.2024 | Published 23.05.2018Publishing

Est. reading time:

I have updated my terms of use and privacy policy. These days you will already have received a number of emails from companies which store data about you as a person.

The reason is the EU’s new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which comes into effect from the end of May 2018. Even such a small hobby-based website like Sandalsand has to prepare itself and its readers about what is now happening.

There are indeed online service providers which collect and store much information about you. Sandalsand may learn your email address and name if you choose to share them with me. I do not get other personally identifiable information, but I use services that allow me to get aggregated statistics about website usage.

However, this means that I have upgraded, and primarily expanded, my cookie notice, my terms of use and privacy policy. It is my intention that everything is in compliance with the GDPR directive. Read the updated privacy statement.

The biggest change is for those who subscribe to the newsletter. You should know that I have extended my promise to send weekly newsletters, to also apply to other information. It may include reader surveys or specific campaigns to enhance the use of my pages. The extent of the latter is thought to be very little. Keep in mind, however, that if you wish to cancel your subscription, you can do so on the link that comes with the newsletter.

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or have other comments on this topic.