Doors are among the most fascinating objects one can observe by walking around in a city centre, like Stavanger. Building facades with windows and doors will change with the passage of time. Age means a need for maintenance and may result in a weary look, new needs may result in a replacement. We will in this article see what the centre of Stavanger, Norway has to offer.
The images are the result of a city walk one morning with one single aim, to find exciting doors. The doors may be new, but in particular old. Modern shop doors may be practical, but are not very exciting to study. Accordingly, the doors highlighted here are a bit on the elaborate side. We also find doors that are weary and have lived for a while – some may not last very much longer. A wide variety of architectural styles are represented, but you will not have to read about which.
There must be something extra adding to the door’s attractiveness to make the photographer want to consider it. As the number exceeds 80, you too will undoubtedly find something to enjoy. If you get tired of clicking on the images, there is only one thing to do: Get out in the city centre of Stavanger or wherever you are, and see for yourself.
The images have moved
I’ve had to drop linking up the pictures right here. Find the actual images on the Norwegian version of this article at Sandalsand Norge.
The map
This photo collection covers the downtown peninsula from around the cathedral and out to the Holmen area in the north. This walk excludes Old Stavanger and other urban areas. The map below shows the location of the images, all over actually. Have a nice walk!

Every dot indicates location of photo, i.e. door. You can’t zoom in or out here, unfortunately. It is a static map.