The media archive
The media archive is about photos and videos. We often say that a picture is worth a thousand words. Enjoy 10,000 pictures and 200 videos from the last four decades.
Photo galleries
Here is an introduction to almost 10,000 pictures available on Sandalsand, by country.
Find all videos published by Sandalsand since the start in 2011.
Video playlists
This page is a one-stop-shop for video watching, and even for music streaming.
About the media archive
Below you will find a small number of media related articles. Most of them deal with how one should take care of a media archive, be it photos or videos. It is not easy when the number of files grows beyond a few thousand. Go the the photo page for a look into Sandalsand’s photo collection, and have a look at the video and video playlist pages for other media formats.
An odyssey of discoveries – in picture tags…
A picture is a fact. (Ludwig Wittgenstein)
Nowadays, one would truly believe that the 20th century Austrian philosopher was wrong about this statement. However, on this website pictures are facts, not fake. With a few exceptions.
In any case, the size of the words in the tag cloud below indicates the number of images attached to a tag. A click on any of the tags brings up a set of thumbnail pictures. From that point, you may browse more tagged pictures by simply viewing the thumbnails, or click to enlarge them in a pop-up window. My advice is to first right-click a tag and open it in a new window or tab. The images are unsorted.
- Aerial
- Artwork
- Beach
- Boathouse
- Bridge
- Buddhisttemple
- Bus
- Cave
- Church
- Cliff
- Desert
- Egyptiantemple
- Envelopes
- Fauna
- Fjord
- Foodndrink
- Fortress
- Funicular
- Grave
- Greektemple
- Guidebook
- Hindutemple
- Lake
- Market
- Metro
- Monastery
- Mosque
- Othertemple
- Palace
- Passport
- River
- Romantemple
- Shintotemple
- Stadium
- Synagogue
- Taotemple
- Terrace
- Train
- Tram
- Volcano
- Waterfall
Media related articles
Why am I posting so many “PICS” entries?
I have recently posted a number of articles named "PICS - " plus the name of a country. There is a reason for this. I have over the years...
130,000 views on Sandalsand’s YouTube Channel
I'm happy! When I started out my blogging practice almost three years ago I knew that plain text would have to be accompanied and...
To Instagram or not to Instagram
I had this idea of limiting myself to the world of travel blogging, sharing my pictures here. Period. It would seem that I was wrong. Instagram is...
Making YouTube videos from photos and video clips
I planned to make two entries about film-making, one about YouTube videos and the other about “fixing the photographer”. They do however link so...
Storing your media archive and keeping it safe
Storage of a media archive is a critical issue and I would like to emphasize to all the importance of having backups. The alternatives For...
Building a media archive of pictures and video clips
I was building a media archive. It was not tricky to include content from my digital photo cameras on a digital platform. It's basically about...
The art of geotagging pictures
How do you go about geotagging pictures and why? The other day I came across a New York Times article about a camera that had been in lost in a...
The making of a digital photo collection
I wanted a digital photo collection. I had this fantastic idea of scanning all my negative strips and all of my slides. Yes, indeed all family...
Working on digital video files
Working on digital video files may not be easy. This post deals with the challenges of digital video formats, making them available on different...
Making old video available on a digital platform
How do you make old video available on a digital platform? Changes in technology render old technology useless and inaccessible. The problem is that...
My journey through the history of camcorders
This article deals with my video camera recorders throughout the years, my history of camcorders. I have never had any professional cameras, only a...
Taking care of your photographed memory
How do you take care of your photographed memory? Entering the new millennium I had a digital awakening. I bought my first DV-tape camcorder in 2001...
Traveling is a brutality. It forces you to trust strangers and to lose sight of all that familiar comfort of home and friends. You are constantly off balance. (Cesare Pavese)