Welcome to Sandalsand.net. This is a travel blog with illustrated articles from around the world, going back to the mid-1980s. The site has moved from my previous host, Travellerspoint.
This means that I have moved about 2,000 pictures and 365 blog entries from the legacy Sandalsand travel blog. I have also migrated my Picasa Web Albums with about 3,700 pictures. 170 videos on the Sandalfilm YouTube channel will be incorporated as well.
I will ascertain that there are no duplication of pictures, and I will even add more wonderful pictured memories not previously released. This means that I am merging all photographic material for a coherent presentation on Sandalsand.net.
I am not only merging all my media platforms (blog, photo, video) on Sandalsand, but I am using a new inspirational layout, based on a WordPress theme from Elegant Themes. Sandalsand is automatically adapted to work on all devices (mobile, tablet, mac/pc). I am preparing this site for future improvements.
This is my humble vision. You, the regular and sporadic reader will return to read more, you will feel motivated to subscribe to new entries. You will even be inspired to travel yourself.

Here’s a quick orientation
There are three menu “strips”. The one on top of the screen (Home, About etc.) is a “look-behind-the-scenes” menu. The one below the logo is the main menu and offers direct links to my fixed pages, as well as dives into my travels. The third menu is in the footer, at the bottom. It provides links to blog posts, videos and photos from the various regions of the world.
A good number of articles from more than 60 countries demands a good search function. It comes in two varieties: Ordinary and Advanced.
Who am I? Have a look in the About section.