Why am I posting so many “PICS” entries?

Last modified 20.12.2024 | Published 28.01.2019Media articles, Publishing

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I have recently posted a number of articles named “PICS – ” plus the name of a country. There is a reason for this.


I have over the years visited a number of countries once, twice or more. Each visit has resulted in a varying number of photographs. The images are grouped in galleries, and one or more galleries are grouped in albums from that particular country.

There have been posts titled PICS before as well, however I’m now making an effort to present all countries with a separate entry like this. There may be one or two I’ll drop, but the ambition is the give my readers an opportunity to view all pictures from a particular country in one place. Previously the images were scattered here and there inside my travelogues, or in my special entries from World Heritage Sites

From now on you will find all pictures from a particular country under the country tag in the right hand column. Or you may browse all PICS articles in the Photo galleries page.

I have, by the way, done more or less the same with my videos. They are titled “VIDEO – ” etc. Check out the Videos page. You may also click the country name to the right to find all videos from that country.

Note that countries are grouped into regions. Find them under the menu called Destinations, for instance South America and South and Southeast Asia. I’ve had this syntax since I established Sandalsand as my own domain in 2013.