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The archive presents all articles on this international edition of Sandalsand, 24 at a time. They are sorted in a chronological order.
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Many would prefer to use the menus to find destinations of their choice, special stories about the world, or World Heritage Sites.
This image is from a beach in Norway, but it could have been almost anywhere in the world. By the way, if you want to read stories from Norway, in Norwegian, head for the parallel archive page at Sandalsand Norge.
A few days in Paris and Versailles
Sightseeing in Paris and a day at Versailles. There are so many world class attractions that one gets completely overwhelmed. This article is...
World Heritage #0083 – Versailles
The palace and park of Versailles is huge, extravagant and beautiful. It continues to draw admirers from near and far. The UNESCO World...
World Heritage #0091 – Historic Centre of Rome
All roads lead to the Historic Centre of Rome, they would say two thousand years ago. Today too, one might add. The UNESCO World Heritage List...
World Heritage #0600 – Paris
There is an enormous amount of sights in Paris, on the banks of the Seine. The central parts of the French capital is a world heritage. The UNESCO...
InterRail in Germany, France and Italy
This is an introduction to an InterRail train journey to Germany, France and Italy. We started in Norway and transited through Sweden and Denmark....
World Heritage #0272 – Hanseatic City of Lübeck
The Hanseatic City of Lübeck was an important town for centuries and has kept enough of the old days for visitors to enjoy for centuries more. The...
A short visit to Brussels
We made a short visit to Brussels and managed to visit famous squares and statues in Brussels, before we had to leave. This is article no. 6 in a...
World Heritage #0292 – Cologne Cathedral
The Cologne cathedral is a huge Gothic cathedral, right in the middle of a large city, in Germany. The UNESCO World Heritage List includes more than...
World Heritage #0857 – La Grand-Place
I can't really think of many squares on the Heritage List, and La Grand-Place in Brussels is indeed quite extraordinary. The UNESCO World...
Vienna and Salzkammergut
On our InterRail in Europe we had reached Austria. Here we went east to the capital of Vienna and then Salzkammergut, a region in the west. These...
World Heritage #0784 – Salzburg
Stream some Mozart music into your ears during your walks in Salzburg and enjoy life. Walk up to the castle for a splendid view. The UNESCO...
World Heritage #1033 – Vienna
The Historic Centre of Vienna has not really been at the centre of the world stage for a century, but the previous centuries have left an...
World Heritage #0786 – Schönbrunn
The emperors must have been staging huge parties in the park and halls of the Schönbrunn. At least there is ample space to do so. The UNESCO World...
Budapest and other parts of Hungary
Hungary is a very nice country, with beautiful scenery, good wine and transportation challenges. Here is a visit to Budapest and other parts of...
World Heritage #0400 – Budapest
Budapest, the capital of Hungary, is a city brimming with pride and monumental buildings, much because of its history as an important city in the...
The eastern part of former Czechoslovakia
The journey through the now non-existing country of Czechoslovakia here continues with the eastern part of Slovakia. This...
World Heritage #0973 – Bardejov
The Bardejov Town Conservation Reserve is about a fortified medieval town in Slovakia with a very nice square in the middle. The UNESCO World...
World Heritage #0617 – Cesky Krumlov
Cesky Krumlov is a town in the south of the Czech Republic. It has a nice square and a mighty palace with Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque elements....
The western part of former Czechoslovakia
Unlike East and West Germany, this chapter is about a country still united, later divided. We were going to the western part of former...
World Heritage #0616 – Prague
The historic centre of Prague (Praha), the Czech capital, is deservedly a very popular place to visit, not only because of its architecture. ...
Berlin and former East Germany
This is my diary from a four week train journey to Eastern Europe. We first went to Berlin and the former republic of East Germany. This is article...
World Heritage #0846 – Classical Weimar
Classical Weimar is a pleasant place to visit, and historically important in the cultural development of Germany - and Europe. The UNESCO World...
World Heritage #0532 – Potsdam
In the huge parks of Potsdam, at the western outskirts of the German capital, we find a large collection of fine palaces. The UNESCO World Heritage...
World Heritage #0896 – Museumsinsel
The Museumsinsel (Museum Island) in Berlin is an island with museums. They date from when the very idea of museums was formed. The UNESCO World...
I am a passionate traveler, and from the time I was a child, travel formed me as much as my formal education. (David Rockefeller)
We are all visitors to this time, this place. We are just passing through. Our purpose here is to observe, to learn, to grow, to love… and then we return home. (Australian Aboriginal Proverb)
There is nothing so good for the human soul as the discovery that there are ancient and flourishing civilized societies which have somehow managed to exist for many centuries and are still in being though they have had no help from the traveler in solving their problems. (Walter Lippmann)
A man of ordinary talent will always be ordinary, whether he travels or not; but a man of superior talent will go to pieces if he remains forever in the same place…. (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)
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